Sure, the organization has superior technology, but BIPL’s success derives from a combination of technology, focus on customer satisfaction through widespread and active employee involvement.
Its policy is to provide quality on time, every time. Assure a culture that values the highest quality performance from every employee. It builds meaningful and widespread employee involvement, teamwork, and personal satisfaction that result in pride of workmanship. From technicians to owners, BIPL is a team of technical specialists…. This is indeed the company’s most formidable strength.
From the most senior in the hierarchy to the most junior, every single person makes sure that the organization is available to and accessible by the customer at all times, that solutions offered are those that will most benefit the customer. The customer truly reigns supreme, regardless of the scope or volume of business. Customers are quick to recognize and respect this; it inspires them to have faith and confidence in the company. This is the driving force behind BIPL’S success story.